Teste de Inglês 1º Período - 3º Ano

Colour the stars. Pinta as estrelas. Good Evening Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Night 4. 1 3 – Colour the days green and the months blue. Pinta os dias da semana com verde e os meses com azul. Sunday Sunday May I go to the toilet, please? Hand up, please! May I come in? Stand up, please! May I sharpen my pencil, please? Close the window, please. Sit down, please. Open the door, please. Sunday 1. S 1 - Choose the correct greeting and label the pictures. Escolhe a saudação correta e legenda as imagens. AEC – English – Grade 3 Evaluation Worksheet Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________________ August 1 2 Saturday 3 4 WednesdayMarchNovember Good Evening Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Night 1 2 3 4 3. 1 2 – Colour the stars. Pinta as estrelas. a. 1 3 – Colour the days green and the months blue. Pinta os dias da semana de verde e os meses de azul. JuneApril Sunday 2. 5. S 4 – Choose the correct words and complete the sentences. Escolhe as palavras corretas e co...